Monday, November 18, 2019

Antonin Kratochvil

Antonin is a photographer who's work is taken during trips. In regards to his professional photographs, he appears to have very few photographs that were taken in what would be considered actual studio spaces. His photographs are taken very much in the moment to the point where it's not uncommon for a few of them to look blurry and out of focus. His photographs are largely taken in black and white, with color either being used for a dedicated series or very sparingly. Largely series have a melancholy or solemn tone to them, the most pleasant these photographs get is neutral.

Antonin is another photographer that seems to be more than content on showing the world how it is.  He works with what he sees often through snap judgments, content with even just the vague feeling of the subject. He seems to favor moody lights and heavy contrast with his photographs. His series will generally have human subjects at some point but they can vary in frequency, there will usually be at least one picture with a person. I'd say the environment is more of the main focus of a lot of his photographs and he considers humans to be a part of that environment.   

I'd say I like his photographs, though I'm surprised he's able to include such blurry ones amongst all the other crisp shots. The in the moment shots he takes really clicks with me and it shows really showcases the trip he was on and his goal. I'm impressed with some of the situations he was able to photograph and I'm wondering how he managed to get away with some them like the imprisonment ones. I guess it's possible that those were staged but it didn't really feel like it. Honestly, the pictures he does that feel like they were completely staged feel out of place compared to the rest.

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